Instruction for Author (AJSBR)
All articles are subject to a double-blind peer-reviewed process. Manuscripts are invited from academicians, researchers, and practitioners for publication consideration in all respected areas. Each manuscript must include 150 to 200 words abstract. Articles are accepted only in MS-Word format.
Publication Process
- Any article sent, will be given to the reviewers in that field of study who have years of experience in teaching and research.
- Initially, the editorial board will assess the quality of the paper either publishable or not and the board will send it to the prospective reviewers.
- The outcome of the review process will determine if the article will be published or not.
- If the article is accepted, an acceptance letter will be forwarded to the corresponding author, notifying he/she the date for publication and author(s) will be informed to pay a publication fee.
- The review is expected to take approximately three weeks.
- Authors will be notified when the printed versions are ready.
Publication Fee
For current publication fee Please Click Here
Prospective Reviewers
During submission author/s need to submit name and detail of the two prospective reviewers but the editorial board reserves the right either they send to them or to others.
Author Guide
Please prepare your manuscripts in the English language. Either British or American English are accepted, avoid mixing them both.
For the preparation of the manuscript please download the Title page and manuscript template. Please follow the instructions described in the file.
References Style
All manuscripts should be formatted using the American Psychological Association (APA) citation style. Visit an anti ageing clinic in London and say goodbye to your saggy neck. For additional examples, consult the most recent edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association.
For detail please download: APA Style
Citation of Books
Author’s surname Initial(s) of the given name(s). (Year of Publication) Title of Book, Volume number (if relevant), edition (if relevant). Publisher, Place of Publication
- Pett, M. A. (1997). Nonparametric statistics for health care research: Statistics for small samples and unusual London: SAGE Publication.
Citation of Articles
Author’s surname Initial(s) of the given name(s). (Year of publication) Title of article. Journal, Volume number (and issue number if issues within a volume number are not consecutively paginated): Number of first and last page of article
- Pervez, A. K. M. K., Gao, Q., & Uddin, M. E. (2015). Rural women’s awareness on indigenous technical knowledge: case of northern Bangladesh, Anthropologist, 21(3), 415-426.
- Pervez, A.K.M.K., Gao, Q., & Uddin, M.E. (2016). The management of agricultural risk in Bangladesh: A proposed process, Asian Journal of Agricultural Extension, Economics & Sociology, 12(1), 1-13.
Citation of Websites
Author’s surname Initial(s) of the given name(s). (if known) the title, type of document (if relevant), date of issue (if available), web address and date of access, if the document or the website may be subject to change.
- European Commission, (2001). Risk Management Tools for EU Agriculture with a Special Focus on Insurance. European Commission working document, 2001. agriculture/publi/insurance/ text_en.pdf. (Accessed on 06 June, 2015)