David Mwesigwa, PhD
Senior lecturer, Faculty of Management Sciences
Lira University, P.O. Box 1035
Lira, Uganda
Article Type: Short communication Received: 19, Sep. 2019. Accepted: 23, Oct. 2019. Published: 24, Oct. 2019.
In 2017, after launching, by the first Deputy Prime Minister of Uganda Moses Ali along with the UNDP country Director Almaz Gebru, a new green growth development strategy, key green growth issues and evolution into a green economy were presented in Uganda to guide national priorities in achieving both the National Development Plan II and the country’s Vision 2040. This article looks at achieving this strategy from the perspective of advocacy as a pathway to three components, viz. quality of water, waste disposal, and organic agriculture. It starts with an extensive review of green growth and discusses the achievements and difficulties for achieving green growth, as Nations, whose target aims to attain sustainable development worldwide by 2030. While advocacy has high prospects, the study maintains that green growth is a thorny strategy for municipalities in Uganda. In particular, the organisational structure in which they function as well as the political culture; the success of advocacy appears less plausible. It is recommended that advocacy should be bolstered so as to facilitate Hoima municipality to adopt the principles of green growth. |
Green Municipality, Green growth, Advocacy, social inclusion |
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