Farmers’ Awareness Regarding Environmental Sound Practices in Bangladesh
Farmers’ Awareness Regarding Environmental Sound Practices in Bangladesh
Abu Sayeed1, Md. Mostafizur Rahman2 and Md. Shahriar Kabir3*
1&3MS Student in Agricultural Extension Education, Department of Agronomy and Agricultural Extension, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Rajshahi, Rajshahi-6205, Bangladesh
2Professor, Department of Agronomy and Agricultural Extension, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Rajshahi, Rajshahi-6205, Bangladesh.
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Article Type: Research Received: 24, Oct. 2022. Accepted: 24, Oct. 2022. Published: 04, Dec. 2022.
This paper aims to contribute to assess farmers’ awareness on the environmental sound practices towards sustainable agriculture. Besides, attempt was made to explore the relationships between some selected characteristics of the farmers’ and their awareness on the environmental sound practices towards sustainable agriculture. The study was conducted in 3 villages of Harian union under Paba upazila of Rajshahi district. 15% of the farmers were randomly selected from a population of 770 farmers. Out of the total population 110 farmers were selected as the sample of the study. Data were collected from the farmers through using an interview schedule during 03 January to 03 February 2019. Pearson’s Product Moment Correlation Co- efficient were used to test relationships between the independent and dependent variables. The findings reveled that majority of the farmers 46.36% had medium awareness on the environmental sound practices while 30.91% and 22.73% of them had low and high awareness, respectively. Family size, farm size, family income, innovativeness, extension media contact, organizational participation, awareness on the environmental sound practices and use of indigenous practices of the farmers were positively correlated with their awareness on the environmental sound practices, but family size and Age, educational qualification, farming experiences of the farmers had no significant relationship with their awareness on the environmental sound practices. |
Farmers’ awareness, Environmental, Sound practices, Sustainable agriculture
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