Mostak Ahmed, Md. Abdul Hamid, Md.Nurul Amin, Md.Mahbubar Rahman, MA Hassan


Mostak Ahmed 1, Md.Abdul Hamid2, Md.Nurul Amin3  .Md.Mahbubar Rahman4, MA Hassan 5*

*Corresponding author E-mail:

A R T I C L E  I N F O

Article Type: Research

Received: 04, April. 2021.

Accepted: 17, April. 2021.

Published: 18, April. 2021.




This study examined the profitability of beef cattle fattening in the north western char area of Bangladesh. A total of 130 cattle fatteners were randomly selected from one district namely Rangpur which representing the highest concentration of fatteners in the char area. Socioeconomic data as well as data on beef fattening, were collected from the people selected at Kaunia and Gangacharaupazilla of the district. The profit function was used to determine the profitability of beef cattle marketing and for statistical analysis descriptive statistics was used. In spite of beef cattle production was profitable agribusiness most of the farmers adopt a traditional beef fattening system for beef target the cattle marketing during the Muslim festival “Eid-ul-Azha”. Profitability margin equals BDT 15947.56 per cattle. The benefit cost ratio of the entire fatteners was 0.51 that means for every one BDT invested in cattle fattening BDT 0.51 was realized as net profit and so it proved that cattle fattening is profitable and feasible agribusiness. The major problems facing the farmers include high cost of feeds, inadequate credit facilities, disease attack, price fluctuation and inadequate extension services. A policy and research emphasis should be geared toward feeds production at affordable price to the fatteners and access to feeds for better efficiency and encourage to use ready feeds of renounced feed company for cattle fattening.


Socioeconomic ,fattening analysis, Profitability , agribusiness , disease


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