A K M Shafiul Kadir, Jami Parvin Nitu



A K M Shafiul Kadir1*, Jami Parvin Nitu2


  1. Quest Bangladesh Biomedical Research Center, Dhaka-1207, Bangladesh.

2, PATH (Bangladesh).

*Corresponding Author: Dr. A K M Shafiul Kadir

Researcher, Quest Bangladesh Biomedical Research Center, Dhaka-1207, Bangladesh.



A R T I C L E  I N F O

Article Type: Research

Received: 22, June. 2023.

Accepted: 01, October. 2023.

Published: 05, October. 2023.





Oral cavity harbors large varieties of microorganisms. Some of them are commensals, and others are pathogens. The oral microbial community has a microbial synergism in which some microorganisms play a vital role in creating an environment for the growth and proliferation of other microorganisms that can initiate various oral diseases. Oral hygiene procedures, including regular mouth rinsing and the use of antimicrobial agents in the form of antibiotics administered systemically or for local use, is widespread in dental practice. A non-judicious use of broad-spectrum antibiotics has led to the development of antimicrobial resistance in a wide variety of microorganisms. Its consequence is the ineffectiveness of commonly prescribed antimicrobial agents. The need for natural antimicrobial agents is on the rise. Natural antimicrobial agents have various bioactive compounds with antimicrobial properties. This review paper describes the impact of various synthetic and natural antimicrobial agents on the oral microbiome. It lays out basic framework of treating oral microbial dysbiosis.

Keywords: Pathogens, Oral diseases, Antimicrobial agents, Mouthwashes, Synthetic and natural products.




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